Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hasta Luego Espana, GOODDAY LONDON

Sitting here, in the Madrid airport….have officially spent about 20 ish hours sitting (thank god not consecutively) near the British airline desk, praying that London can pull there sh** together, and learn to deal with the 2 inches of snow that have very much shut the country down.  Can you tell I am a wee bit bitter?  2 canceled flights and about 35 hours of waiting really is not much to complain about considering the number of horror stories I have heard from my fellow “wait-ers” however.  One night of waiting is not too shabby; I shared a hotel with my good friend David, whose flight left early this morning.  The company was great to have in the slightly stressful situation. NOW, KNOCK ON WOOD this flight will go through.  HUGE shout out to my pops- who literally spent the last day booking different flight options, leave it to Mr. Zupsic to figure it out….i honestly don’t know how he does it. 
As I sit here, I find myself quite overrun with sadness.  Spain has given me more then I could have ever imagined.  The places ive seen, the new customs I have learned, the language I have practiced and most importantly, the wonderful wonderful people I have met – have had a tremendous impact on me.  The Spanish culture, so warm, friendly and inviting, quite frankly has made me really evaluate the oftentimes selfish culture that defines America.  I have never met so many wonderfully caring, open and simply HAPPY people as Spaniards.  Nothing seems to bother them; no pasa nada.  I am sure that is different from region to region however- Oveido was just INSANELY chill. 

Picnic at Loreto's country casa

More over- I think, even in this ubsurdly short time, I have gotten a real grasp on Asturias and the beautiful people who live there.   On our last night in Spain, the “crew” and I were enjoying our last Beleynos (an Austurian beer) when someone said, “wow- look at the ratio right now” (in Spanish…claro).  There, in that little Spanish bar, sat 4 Americans and 4 Spaniards-  We were sitting there, about 10 pm on a Sunday, speaking Spanish and watching the Real Madrid game in a packed, smoky bar in Spain and acting like it was no big deal….the usual.  The relationships we formed, not only among ourselves but with others who don’t even speak our mother tongue- is something to be ecstatic about.   
From my conversation partners, Galo and Encarna who literally took me on their family vacation, to my wonderful Spanish girlfriends, Loreto and Icear, whose wonderful houses we have hung out in and who have shown us all the local hotspots.  The connections I’ve made here in Spain are ones that I am sure will last into my future….i really lucked out.

And then, there are my American friends, those who embarked on this epic journey with me…my closest friends- the crew.  Tom, David, Flex, Sean, Nick, the Bostons, and of course, Ryan.  I don’t think I have ever formed such strong friendships so quickly, and there is not a doubt in my mind they will be there forever.  There is nothing like the connection you make to those when in a totally foreign place- You people are wonderful- Ive never laughed so hard, been so consistently happy and content, and learned so much from a group of people.  I freaking LOVE you people.  I miss you all already-  I still find myself tearing up that I will not be able to see you every waking second.  Haha-

So that is that.  Adios Spain y HELLLO London!  (If I ever get there!!)
Little tid bits of spain I will never forget:
-          Day one.  When to a bar and ordered beer which I called “maahoy” when it is really pronounced “mow”

-          Watching an amazing live band in Portugal
-          Walking my dogs
-          Hiking up to “Christo”- a huge statue on the highest mountiain in Oviedo…the trail was essentially in my backyard.  We even hiked it in the snow once!
-          Getting asked directions in Oviedo (in Spanish) and being able to give them
-          ESPECHA- a school fundraiser aka an all day, all day student party to raise money
-          KEBOBS- the most delicious Greek creation ever. A late night go- to.  We even created a verb, Kebebar: to eat a Kebab. 

Hasta luego espana- echare de menos.
So that is that.  Adios Spain y HELLLO London!  (If I ever get there!!)

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